职 称:讲师
学 历:博士
2002.9-2006.6 华中农业老员工物科学国家人才基地班本科
2006.9-2008.6 华中农业老员工化与分子生物学 硕士
2008.9-2013.12 华中农业大学 生化与分子生物学 博士
2014.2-2014.8 中国种子集团 基因组育种实习 助理研究员
2014.11-至今 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您 生物医药系 讲师
2018.10-2019.10 美国俄勒冈州立大学 生物信息研究中心 访问学者
(1)Ying Deng, Yonglong Pan, Meizhong Luo(2014)Detection and correction of assembly errors of rice Nipponbare reference sequence.Plant Biology .影响因子2.32.
(2)Yonglong Pan, Ying Deng,Haiyan Lin, David A. Kudrna, Rod A. Wing, Lijia Li, Qifa Zhang and Meizhong Luo(2014) Evaluation and improvements toward completion of two rice reference sequence assemblies.The Plant Journal.影响因子6.582.
(3)Ying Deng, Haiyan Lin, Yonglong Pan, Peng Xia and Meizhong Luo (2009). Detected controversial sequence in 93-11 and nipponbare genome with BAC-fish. Poster presented at the 10th Congress of Genomics in China(2009),Chongqing, China
(4)Tao Luo, Shuaixiang Zhou, Jiangwei Qiao, Chao Wang, Ying Deng and Meizhong Luo (2009). Cross-organism activity reconstitution of magnesium chelatase subunits I, D and H from rice, Chlamydomonas, pea and Arabidopsis. Poster presented at the 10th Congress of Genomics in China(2009),Chongqing, China